링크 복사
Ceramics: The Vehicle of Culture
The 3rd World Ceramic Biennale 2005 Korea
Ceramics is a common language of mankind and an important medium of expression of culture. The 3rd Biennale shed light on 'ceramics as culture,' beyond vessels, with a view to finding the cultural significance of ceramics and suggesting a new cultural domain that should be expressed through ceramics, well beyond the functionality of vessels.
Organized by Biennale Department
Icheon Gwangju Yeoju
International Competition, World Contemporary Ceramics, Cramics and Architecture · Landscape and Ceramics, The Color and Shape of Celadon, Traditional Korean Ceramics - Ceramics with Nature -, Roads of Ceramics, Ceramic House Ⅱ, World Ceramic Souvenirs, The World of Teapots - Delightful Teapot -, Environmental Ceramics and Hangeul
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