링크 복사
Journey From Fire
Gyeonggi International CeraMIX Biennale 2011
Under the theme Journey From Fire, the 6th Biennale set out on a journey to explore new domain for ceramic art.
Exchange between technologies, different traditions, and different genres...
Breaking the limitation of ceramics and through fusion of ceramics with all other genres E12of art such as crafts, painting and multimedia, the 6th edition of Biennale attempted 'CeraMIX Biennale' in its aspiration to open an another decade.
Inbeom Lee
Icheon Gwangju Yeoju
International Competition, Sundaymorning Ceramics, French Contemporary Ceramics 'Material and Imagination', Inlaid Ceramics: Incising and Filling, Korea-China Ceramic Arts Exchange Exhibition, CeraMIX Life, Glass art exhibition from Toyama, Japan, 10 Years of GICBiennale: KOCEF Collections
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