링크 복사
Narrative ; Ode to Life
Gyeonggi International Ceramic Biennale 2017
2017.4.22. - 05.28.
Under the theme of , the GICB 2017 illuminates ceramic works from around the world that tell stories about our lives, be that through society and culture at large as well as the lives of individuals and groups. Stories of people's lives have long been an important subject in art, and art forms that narrate them have unfolded in countless ways. This biennale will serve as a forum to restore the relationship between people and ceramics, and establish the values of ceramic culture anew by exploring people’s lives in every respect, including everyday living, dreams, history, culture, and politics through works of ceramic art.
Kwanho Woo
Icheon Gwangju Yeoju
International Competition, Thematic Exhibition in Icheon , Invitational Exhibition , Thematic Exhibition in Gwangju , Thematic Exhibition in Yeoju
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